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Southwest Solutions in Detroit

Southwest Solutions is nationally recognized as a model of community building. We are a leading provider of both human services and affordable housing and economic development. Our goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of individuals and families, while making southwest Detroit a place where people choose to live because of its vitality and diversity. We help those who were at the margins of society turn the page and write new chapters of resilience and purpose.

Our programs are wide-ranging and work in concert to create a full system of support that promotes recovery and improves quality of life. We serve people of all ages and backgrounds. And, when we cannot accomplish a project or program on our own, we collaborate with other agencies to address identified needs and build effective partnerships.

The structure of Southwest Solutions has four parts, each a 501(c)(3): Counseling, Housing, Economic Solutions, and Administration. The programs that we provide are generally organized under Counseling, Housing or Economic Solutions, although, quite often, all four parts of Southwest Solutions come into play in a program’s operation. 

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